Who can join and How does it work?

Established by HR Consulting Solutions in 2013 working with a handful of high profile founding member companies in the insurance industry, the Insurance HR Forum is a membership association providing a confidential forum for reviewing and exchanging salary data and HR best practices and trends. 

The member companies have two main needs:

1. Robust and reliable compensation and benefits benchmarking data - this need is met through the publication of an annual salary survey report. In delivering the Forum great pride is taken in providing a bespoke service which allows focus on quality benchmarking ensuring robust and valid data. Being a niche player also allows the provision of a flexible approach changing report formats and survey coverage as required. Data is collected from members, carefully scrutinised to ensure accuracy of benchmarking, then analysed, aggregated and reported. This is is done in accordance with anti-trust regulations to ensure anonymity and vailidity of data, ensuring apples to apples comparisons for benchmark jobs in the market. This report is then made available to Forum member orgainsations. 

2. To share ideas on trends in the industry and the formulation of HR policies and best practice e.g. HR systems, talent management, incentive schemes, industry statistics/ demographics, the challenge of skills shortages etc. - This need is met through interim surveys on topics requested by the members and also the chance,  at least once a year,  for members to meet face to face to network and share ideas and mull over common issues. 

The Forum is open by invitation to any organisation employing commercial or technical personnel in the insurance industry working for organisations including Underwriters, Lloyds and Regional Brokers, and Managing Agents......... 

​​​​Call us and find out more about how your organisation can be part of this exciting initiative

What Data is Reported ? 

​All data received is throughly checked, analysed and aggregated to ensure accuracy of benchmarking and anonymity of individuals and organisations. For each core job, incumbent and company weighted data can be provided showing P10. LQ, Median, UQ and P90 salaries. Salary tables as well as charts can be made available showing salary progression within job function. Since it is a membership association the members shape the scope of the survey and the reports to ensure they meet their needs. 

Information Pack

Request  an information pack which provides prospective members of the Insurance HR Forum with key information. It contains details of how the Forum works, and the Forum's rules and constitution. If having reviewed this you would like to join or would like to discuss joining then either complete and return the membership application form or contact us to discuss your requirements  in more detail. 

​​​​Request an Insurance HR Forum Infomation pack