Improving Your business  Performance

​HR CONSULTING SOLUTIONS  prides itself on providing no nonsense, business focussed HR solutions which help improve business performance. At the risk of management speak, we are "solutions focussed"....not restricted by policies, procedures or processes but instead provide practical ways to keep organisations compliant whilst ensuring that the business can truly get to where it wants to be.

Consultancy Services

To develop and maintain profitability, businesses need to embrace changing market and client needs. Being responsive to changing needs requires organisational agility and HR can often be the crucial missing link.

HR CONSULTING SOLUTIONS can play a key role helping senior business and HR leaders to focus their activities on key drivers of business performance and profitability.

​Whether focusing on maximising employee engagement, improving the effectiveness of the leadership team, creating the right rewards, or designing the right organisational structure, the ways in which we can support businesses to develop, transform and reach their potential are explored more in detail here..... ​


Salary Benchmarking

Organisations can only attract and retain talent by developing and maintaining competitive pay structures. To do this they need to sytematically monitor their external market to establish their relative position against market rates.

People frequently refer to the term "market rate" but it is often an elusive concept to individual organisations. Working together however with other organisations within the same sector, through a third party to maintain anonymity, a meaningful and robust understanding of "market rate" can be formed. 

HR CONSULTING SOLUTIONS is that third party, and provides one-off salary reports, research projects, consultancy advice for Remuneration & Benefits Commitees and acts as the Secretariat for the Insurance HR Forum. So whatever your salary benchmarking needs, find out here how we can help.....


Insurance HR Forum

The Insurance HR Forum is an exciting new initiative being developed with leading names in the Insurance Industry who have recognised that there is a lack of robust salary benchmarking data and limited opportunities for senior HR and business leaders to network and share best practice. 

HR CONSULTING SOLUTIONS  offers a service providing a confidential repository for the review and exchange of data and best practice. The service operates through the Forum to deliver high quality data, married with prospects for networking and the aspiration to be the leading industry reference point for pay and people matters. The Forum gives HR and business leaders access to robust remuneration data enabling informed decisions when setting appropriate pay policy and pay levels within their organisation. 

Membership of the Forum is by invitation to organisations employing commercial or technical personnel in the insurance industry, whether underwriting, broking or managing agents. Find out here how to join this exciting initiative....
